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The cover to the IWW song sheet version of Joe Hill's "Workers of the World Awaken" (10 1/2 x 13 1/2, 1918).

"The Rebel Girl" is a song written by Joe Hill in 1911. The song was published in the Little Red Songbook of the Industrial Workers of the World, and as sheet music in 1915. Hill wrote the song for IWW orator Elizabeth Gurley Flynn.

The song was…

peoples song book front hille lomax botkin.jpg
“Home-made songs of protest and affirmation.” Published in 1948 by People’s Songs, an organization founded in the wake of World War II by Pete Seeger, Alan Lomax, and others “to create, promote, and distribute songs of labor and the American people."…

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Songbook of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), better known
as the ”Little Red Songbook”: First issued in 1909 and still in print, this
pocket-sized compendium helped turn songs like Ralph Chaplin’s
“Solidarity Forever” and Joe Hill’s “Pie…
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