

The Solidarity Committee gratefully acknowledges the contribution of the following OCOPE members who aided in the promotion, design, execution and writings for the tangible and online instance of Solidarity Forever! Music of the American Labor Movement:

Lindsey Felice
Sara Hasley
Jamie Jacobs
Phyllis Jones
Joe Maiville
Cecilia Robinson
Greg Solow

Special thanks to Jeremy Smith (Special Collections Librarian and Curator of the James and Susan Neumann Jazz Collection) for his support and advice in the execution of the tangible display and to Megan Mitchell (Digital Initiatives Librarian) for installation and downloading of Omeka for the online presence.

In solidarity we certainly thank former OCOPE presidents Julie Weir, Suzanne Overstreet and  Sandy Kanuch and current president, Tracy Tucker, who gladly shared their recollection of events and images to the building of this site.